Prune Pound Cake topped with Prune Ganache
Prune Pound Cake topped with Prune Ganache

Prune Pound Cake topped with Prune Ganache

A delicious cake topped with a beautiful prune ganache.

Porzioni: 6Tempo Prep.: 40 minsTempo di cottura: 30 mins


  • 210g Sugar
  • 164g Medium wheat flour


Pound Cake 

  1. Mix medium wheat flour, cornstarch and baking powder together, sieve them, and set aside.
  2. Put butter, sugar and salt into another bowl and whip until creamy.
  3. Add egg, a little at a time, put into (2), and then mix well.
  4. Add the flour from (1) and the prunes into (3) and then blend.
  5. Sprinkle with strong flour on the buttered pound cake mold and pour the mixture from (4).
  6. Bake for 30 minutes in the convection oven preheated to 180 ℃.
  7. Cool it down in the mold as it is without removing from the mold.

Prune Ganache

  1. Blend prunes finely in a mixer until it becomes paste.
  2. Add fresh cream into the prune paste from (1), boil, pour to white chocolate, and whip well to keep it from being separated.

Remove the prune pound cake from the mold and garnish by pouring the prune ganache.